What’s scarier than fear – Mental care second post –

Hello, I’m a mentalist who dreams of economic freedom. This time, I would like to write the second article on mental management through the story of “What’s scarier than fear.”

While doing stocks, I was told, “Stocks are like life.” but when I explain the chart, I think life and stocks go up and down a lot, as I always talk about fluctuations.

Usually, a sharp rise leads to a sharp drop, but when you experience a sharp rise or a sharp drop in your life, your mind is shaken and you can’t make the right decision, so the results are often not good.

Mental management influences a lot from these important moments in life to many minor moments of choice and does not suddenly become stronger at any moment, so you have to strengthen it steadily so that you can make more correct decisions without being swayed at important times to come.

Let’s read a comment to strengthen our mental strength.

< What’s scarier than fear >

At the time of Roosevelt’s inauguration, the only fourth-tern president in the United States that laid the foundation for today’s administration, it was in the midst of an economic depression with about 15 million unemployed people and bankruptcies of banks and financial institutions.

His speech as he took office gave great courage and hope to the people and, with economic disaster, overcame the worst difficulties of World War 2 caused by Germany, Italy, and Japan, creating the greatest era in American history.

“Things that are scarier than the recession are thoughts of fear. If we talk about hope, we’re not afraid of a recession. What we have to fear is fear itself.”

When I look around, I suddenly realize that there are not many people who talk about hope than I thought. It’s a pity to see people living without hope while being complacent in anxiety and fear that sometimes I think I’m too idealistic, but on the other hand, I understand that it’s because I’ve built a foundation for complacency.

Also, I don’t think we can define what is the answer because we know that someone values the result and someone values the process, and that even if the same conclusion is made, it’s different to accept it.

However, I live only once, and I think it is right to invest my current time and effort to make a breakthrough for a future full of hope and hope, so I am constantly posting and exercising and investing every day by day.

There are two stocks that I have seen 15-fold returns while investing in stocks, and it was possible because I dreamed of such hope that I could continue to analyze stocks, invest in future values, and hold out smiling even when it was minus 50%.

There seems to be something, but if you’re not sure, if you dig in until you’re sure, you’ll eventually see some of it.

As there is a saying that a crisis is an opportunity, I always believe that the more a crisis is, the more you don’t give up, don’t lose to fear, hold on to a faint hope, and fink a breakthrough, the more you will eventually open the way.

That’s why I thought, “I had a very precious experience not to lose much money when the same opportunity came later” even in a situation where I didn’t realize the profit by looking at the above 15 times or more.

There was a lot of gossip today. If you don’t worry and don’t be afraid of fear, I think your mental breakdown will be almost eliminated.

Let’s read one more line of a book and do squats to get rid of that time~!

Sweet dreams and I hope you have a fun and happy week this week.

Motivation for mental management – Run towards your Dreams – | Top_Mental (top-mental.com)

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